ECE:213 Digital Electronics End Term Question Paper
Course Outcomes:
• analyze the basic techniques in designing and implementing digital systems.
• determine the concept and terminology of digital electronic circuits.
• discuss about different logic families specially CMOS
Unit I
Number Systems : Digital Systems, Data representation and coding, Logic circuits, Implementation of digital systems, Number Systems, Codes- Positional number system, Binary number system, Methods of base conversions, Binary arithmetic, Representation of signed numbers, Fixed numbers, Binary coded decimal codes, Gray codes, Error detection code, Parity check codes, octal number system, Hexadecimal number system, Error correction code, Hamming code, Octal arithmetic, Hexadecimal arithmetic, Floating point numbers
Unit II
Combinational Logic System : Truth table, Basic logic operation, Boolean Algebra, Basic postulates, Standard representation of logic functions -SOP forms, Simplification of switching functions - K-map, Synthesis of combinational logic circuits, Logic gates, Fundamental theorems of Boolean algebra, Standard representation of logic functions POS forms
Unit III
Introduction to Combinational Logic Circuits : Adders, Subtractors, Comparators, Multiplexers and Demultiplexers, Decoders, Encoders, Parity circuits Introduction to Logic Families : Introduction to different logic families, Structure and operations of TTL, MOS and CMOS logic families
Unit IV
Introduction to Sequential Logic Circuits : Basic sequential circuits: SR-latch,Dlatch,D flip-flop,JK flip- flop, T flip-flop, Conversion of basic flip-flops
Unit V
Sequential Logic Circuits Applications : Registers: Operation of all basic Shift Registers, Counters: Design of Asynchronous and Synchronous counters, Ring counter and Johnson ring counter
Unit VI
Memory : Read-only memory, read/write memory - SRAM and DRAM, PLAs and their applications, Sequential PLDs and their applications, Introduction to field programmable gate arrays, PALs and their applications Converters : Analog to Digital Converter, Digital to Analog Converter
ECE 213:Digital Electronics Sample Question Papers with Answers (Click)
Course Outcomes:
• analyze the basic techniques in designing and implementing digital systems.
• determine the concept and terminology of digital electronic circuits.
• discuss about different logic families specially CMOS
Unit I
Number Systems : Digital Systems, Data representation and coding, Logic circuits, Implementation of digital systems, Number Systems, Codes- Positional number system, Binary number system, Methods of base conversions, Binary arithmetic, Representation of signed numbers, Fixed numbers, Binary coded decimal codes, Gray codes, Error detection code, Parity check codes, octal number system, Hexadecimal number system, Error correction code, Hamming code, Octal arithmetic, Hexadecimal arithmetic, Floating point numbers
Unit II
Combinational Logic System : Truth table, Basic logic operation, Boolean Algebra, Basic postulates, Standard representation of logic functions -SOP forms, Simplification of switching functions - K-map, Synthesis of combinational logic circuits, Logic gates, Fundamental theorems of Boolean algebra, Standard representation of logic functions POS forms
Unit III
Introduction to Combinational Logic Circuits : Adders, Subtractors, Comparators, Multiplexers and Demultiplexers, Decoders, Encoders, Parity circuits Introduction to Logic Families : Introduction to different logic families, Structure and operations of TTL, MOS and CMOS logic families
Unit IV
Introduction to Sequential Logic Circuits : Basic sequential circuits: SR-latch,Dlatch,D flip-flop,JK flip- flop, T flip-flop, Conversion of basic flip-flops
Unit V
Sequential Logic Circuits Applications : Registers: Operation of all basic Shift Registers, Counters: Design of Asynchronous and Synchronous counters, Ring counter and Johnson ring counter
Unit VI
Memory : Read-only memory, read/write memory - SRAM and DRAM, PLAs and their applications, Sequential PLDs and their applications, Introduction to field programmable gate arrays, PALs and their applications Converters : Analog to Digital Converter, Digital to Analog Converter
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